20Mar 2017


  • College of medicine at university of Imam abdurahman bin faisal.
  • College of medicine, department of family and community medicine, imam abdurahman bin faisal university, Saudi Arabia.
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Objectives:- 1. To determine the compliance and satisfaction to doctor’s prescription among general population in Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia by type of health facility used, age, gender, and education. 2. To determine the reasons for non-compliance, and opinions on how to improve compliance. Materials and Methods:- Cross-sectional study conducted for public in eastern province. Data Collected using web-based self-administered questionnaire to fill online through newspaper, and social media like Facebook, Twitter, etc. for 6 month and periodically repeated throughout the study period, SPSS 17.0 used for data analysis. Chi-square or Fisher’s Exact test used to test for statistical significance by gender, age, and education. Background:- Compliance in healthcare is defined as the extent to which a patient’s behavior coincides with the healthcare provider’s recommendations for health and medical advice, we conduct unique study to involve the public instead of narrow spectrum of patient and diseases. Results:- Total of 587 participants 62.9% were Satisfied during last visit to their physician. 32.2% stop taking medication if they feel better, 31.7% always committed to treatment. The reasons of non-compliance with medication mainly 35.6% due to large number of drugs, 28.3% due to Inappropriateness of drug, 20.8% do not Know the function of drug. the more acuteness of illness more noncompliance, avoiding reading the patient file and lack of knowledge. More than half of participant said doctor misbehavior affect their trust about prescription. Private hospital showed to have more regular visit and satisfaction and governmental hospital showed less satisfaction. 58.8% said that nearby health centers would not affect their compliance. 78% of the Health Centers lack communication with patient outside health facility. The best option to overcome non- compliance showed to be follow-up by social media. Conclusion:- Males and people at age of 30 are more compliance to drugs and more satisfied. Side effect and accumulated drugs are common cause of non-compliance, best option to overcome non-compliance are follow up by social media and explain side effects of drugs , people less satisfied with governmental hospital and more compliance to PHC so high qualified health system, patient -centered relationship, health education are needed.

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[Hassan A. Alashwan, Redha A. Alsaleh, Ahmed M. alshakhs, Mustafa S. Alfehaid, Abdullah J. Almajed, Huda A. Alsaleh, Maryam K. Almumten and Nabil M. Kurashi. (2017); ASSESSMENT OF PUBLIC SATISFACTION AND TREATMENT TOWARD PHC AND PUBLIC PRIVATE HOSPITAL IN EASTERN PROVINCE, KSA. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 5 (Mar). 297-310] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

hassan abdullah alashwan
College of medicine , university of Imam abdurahman bin faisal


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/3516      
DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/3516