17Jul 2017


  • Fiber & Polymer Research Division, BCSIR Laboratories Dhaka, BCSIR, Dhaka-1205, Bangladesh.
  • Department of Chemistry, Dhaka College, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
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This research involves the synthesis of cross-linked sodium polyacrylate hydrogels by solution polymerization technique. Three products were selected from different types of synthesized cross-linked sodium polyacrylate polymers to investigate the physico-mechanical properties of sodium polyacrylate hydrogels. Reaction parameters such as time, temperature, concentration of initiators, concentration of activator, concentration of sodium acrylate solution and concentration of cross-linking agents were investigated for cross-linked sodium polyacrylate hydrogels. FT-IR spectroscopic analysis was done for the synthesized hydrogel and the results showed the evidence of positive reactions. Density, viscosity, solubility test, solid content and melting point were measured for all products. Polymer films of the synthesized polymers were made by solution casting method and the mechanical properties were studied. Mechanical properties (ultimate tensile strength, tensile modulus and elongation at break) were measured for all synthesized cross-linked sodium polyacrylate polymers. Swelling properties of cross-linked sodium polyacrylate hydrogels were measured in distilled water, tap water and aqueous sodium chloride solution respectively. Water absorbencies results indicate that this polymer was water-swellable but not water-soluble like super absorbent polymers.

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[Shanin Sultana, Khayrul Islam Sumon, Husna Parvin Noor, Walliullah Md. Ajmotgir, Khabir Uddin Sarker and Rashed Hasan. (2017); SSWELLING AND PHYSICO-MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF SYNTHESIZED SODIUM POLYACRYLATE HYDROGELS. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 5 (Jul). 84-92] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Shahin Sultana
Senior Scientific Officer Fibre & Polymer Research Division BCSIR Laboratories, Dhaka


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/4696      
DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/4696