15Nov 2019


  • Service de Gynecologie et Obstetrique Hopital Militaire dInstruction Mohammed V - Rabat
  • Service d Urologie, Hopital Militaire dInstruction Mohammed V - Rabat
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Hematocolpos is the menstrual blood retention in the vagina at puberty. It is easy to diagnose and to take care of, when it is due to an imperforation of the hymen; however, when it is secondary to a vaginal malformation, like partial atresia or diaphragm. MRI is essential for diagnosis, it allows to search for other genito-urinary malformations and to guide surgical procedure. This surgery must be performed by a specialized team, to prevent recurrence and iatrogenic complications, which can induce sexual and fertility disorders in the future. The autors relate a case of hematocolpos, which is secondary to an atresic of the lower third vagina, diagnosed in a 14 years old girl. This observation is an example of a lack of knowledge of the diagnosis and wrong first management, complicated by iatrogenic urinary incontinence. The diagnosis of the hematocolpos and the vaginal malformation was made by the MRI. The treatment consisted on: hematocolpos evacuation associated with a vaginoplasty and urethral meatoplasty

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[Moulay Elmehdi El Hassani, Saad Benali, Abdellah Babahabib, Jaouad Kouach, Mohammed Ghadouane and Driss Rahali Moussaoui (2019); MEATOPLASTIE URETRALE POUR UNE BEANCE IATROGENE CHEZ UNE PATIENTE PRESENTANT UN HEMATOCOLPOS. (A PROPOS DUNE OBSERVATION) Int. J. of Adv. Res. 7 (Nov). 8-15] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com



Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/9968      
DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/9968