02Oct 2019


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Mostly, domestic violence is perceived as private affairs in some societies, people pay minimum heed to the damages and effects it has on the psychological, mental, emotional and bodily development of these victims. Coupled with these occurrences is the organization's incompetence to address victims' cases and prevent citizens from violation of their rights. This research paper aimed to handle the situation from an organizational perspective. Conditions that call for inter-organizational coordination are mostly the ones in which no upper authority to direct how the cooperating organizations will work together. The study at large provides a justification for future study of how formal information sharing, task specification and common organizational culture for coordination may help coordinators foster the motive of the set goals to be attained and ultimately achieve effective inter-organizational coordination. To study these occurrences, a quantitative method was adopted and questionnaires were employed or used to elicit data that were gathered to understand clearly the situation that arise the coordination complications between the agencies and if there's an existence of coordination among them at all. The research depicted that, no inter-organizational coordination in handing cases among the organizations was there, instead; they address reported cases independently within their capacity by not involving the other organizations. Ideas were beseeched about inter-organizational coordination, apparently, workers have a fair knowledge and its? importance. Most workers from CHRAJ and DOVVSU testified to it that; communication and organizational structures have been the impediments for better performances as the populace sees organizations as ineffective in case management.

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[Edward Fosu and Deborah Asiedu. (2019); INTERORGANIZATIONAL COORDINATION TOWARDS DOMESTIC VIOLENCE PREVENTION: A CASE FROM GHANA. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 7 (Oct). 104-113] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com



Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/9811      
DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/9811