15Apr 2020


  • Department of Computer Science and Engineering, BGCTrust University Bangladesh, Chandanaish-4381, Chattogram, Bangladesh.
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A fire has been one of the key problems that have not yet been resolved despite technological progress. The most critical thing related to fires was human casualties. As stopping the fire from happening might not be feasible, it would be better to reduce its effects in terms of human casualties. A smart semi-autonomous fire extinguish quadcopter can manage difficult and dangerous tasks and its efficient performances enable it to be used in fire-related problems, such as reaching and exploring catastrophic zones. Therefore, an enclosed fire resistant unmanned aerial vehicle is built which allows victims to be searched and located in a minimum of time. The UAV is intended to operate while holding a fire extinguisher. Cameras are mounted on the UAV, so that the UAV controller can monitor the area. The above way, firemen's protection is guaranteed, because they actually know where to go. The adverse consequences of fire breakouts or fire on buildings or elsewhere present a significant danger to our lives. These incidents include the loss of property and life. Quadcopters actually can do any things that humans will never do. Quadcopters will serve as firefighters at this time. Quadcopters are much more likely to extinguish the fire as quickly as possible as the firefighters. We introduced an idea of how to use quadcopter for high precision fire detection and extinguishing. Our main focus is how to quickly extinguish the fire and at least avoid the fire from spreading by using quadcopter as well as how people can be rescued from the smoke of the fire, because of the smoke of the fire, people can't breathe, causing death. We are considering a new approach for fire detection and control, using improving techniques. Thus, the negative effect of fires can be greatly minimized by using Unmanned Ariel Vehicles (UAV) such as a quadcopter, which patrol fire- threatening areas continuously. It will help in identifying and safeguarding vulnerable people caught in the fire.

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[Abhijit Pathak, Abrar Hossain Tasin, Ayesha Akther Esho, Ashibur Rahman Munna and Tahia Chowdhury (2020); A SMART SEMI-AUTONOMOUS FIRE EXTINGUISH QUADCOPTER: FUTURE OF BANGLADESH Int. J. of Adv. Res. 8 (Apr). 01-15] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Abhijit Pathak
Lecturer, Department of Computer Science and Engineering


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/10738      
DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/10738