31Mar 2017


  • CSSI Associate & Emeritus Professor, University of Missouri, Cape Girardeau, MO 63701 USA.
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On 13 June 1936, Paul Kazuo Kuroda noticed confusion about terms used in Aston?s lecture on nuclear energy that would later isolate humanity from reality (God). In 1945, Kuroda secretly retained a personal copy of Japan?s design for atomic bombs to finesse post-WWII standard scientific models that obscured Aston?s 1922 finding of ?powers beyond the dreams of scientific fiction? in rest masses (m) of atoms. Precise nuclear and space age measurements later revealed neutron repulsion as the source of energy (E) in cores of heavy elements like uranium, planets like Jupiter, the Sun, and galaxies that maintain the dynamic, cyclic, now-expanding universe through reversible transitions between two forms of one fundamental particle: Neutrons (compacted electron-proton pairs) and hydrogen (expanded electron-proton pairs), with nuclear charge densities of Z/A = 0 and Z/A = 1 and reversibly, different rest masses, are the alpha and omega of the cosmos and other all atomic matter with nuclear charge densities of 0 < Z/A < 1.0. Weizs?cker had mistakenly assumed in 1935 that differences in rest masses of free neutrons and hydrogen atoms remained unchanged when these combine to produce atoms of heavier elements, and thus obtained misleading values of ?nuclear binding energy? that obscured neutron repulsion as an important force in the origin and evolution of the cosmos and life in the solar system.

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[Oliver K. Manuel. (2017); THE UNIVERSE IS IN GOOD HANDS. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 5 (Mar). 2113-2123] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Oliver K. Manuel


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/3732      
DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/3732