18Sep 2017

An Analysis of Grammatical Errors in Written Descriptive Text by the First Year Students of Vocational School of Economics and Commerce Becora – Dili in School Year 2016 / 2017

  • Prof. Drs. Tans Feliks, M.Ed., Ph. D and DR. Drs. Agustinus Semiun, M. A.
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It was conducted to answer the following questions: about the grammatical errors made by the first year students of vocational school of economics and commerce Becora ? Dili in writing descriptive text, the dominant errors committed by the first grade students in writing descriptive text, the solution to overcome the errors made by the students in their English Writing Texts? Based on the problems stated above, the objectives of the study are as follows: (1) to find out the grammatical errors in writing descriptive text made by the first grade students of Vocational School of Economics and Commerce Becora - Dili, (2) to find out the dominant grammatical errors committed by the first grade students of Vocational School of Economics and Commerce Becora - Dili. (3) to find out the solution to overcome the errors made by the students in their English Writing Texts? The total number of the first grade students of Vocational School of Economics and Commerce Becora - Dili was 500 students. The sample of this study is 30 students of the first grade students of Vocational School of Economics and Commerce Becora ? Dili. The method applied in this study was descriptive method and the instrument used was writing task. The students were given chance to write a composition based on their own topic. The taxonomy used by the writer in analyzing the data was surface strategy taxonomy, consisting of omission, addition, misordering and misformation. The result of the analysis showed that the errors committed by the first grade students of Vocational School of Economics and Commerce Becora ? Dili in school year 2016/2017 was omission (45.67%), misformation (23.45%), addition (13.58%), and misordering (14.58%). The total number of error was 81.The most frequent error was omission. Based on the result of this study, the following was the suggestions for the teacher: the teacher should teach the students on how to write a good text especially in writing descriptive text and give the students chance to learn more about good text and focus on grammar especially tenses and subject verb agreement.

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[Pascoal Marcal Belo (2017); An Analysis of Grammatical Errors in Written Descriptive Text by the First Year Students of Vocational School of Economics and Commerce Becora – Dili in School Year 2016 / 2017 Int. J. of Adv. Res. 5 (Sep). 512-520] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Pascoal Marcal Belo


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/5354      
DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/5354