10Dec 2017


  • Inspection du Service de Sant? des FAR.
  • Division de la Surveillance des Syst?mes d?AEP, ONEP.
  • Institut Scientifique, Universit? Mohammed V de Rabat.
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Water is a very essential and precious resource to the survival and to the well being of the Human beings. Also, the sanitation of water represents a major preoccupation of public health and according to the WHO; it is at least 30 millions of people die each year because of ingestion of soiled water [3]. In order to permanently guarantee a healthy drinking water supply, the application of a plan of management of the sanitary security of water (WSP) proves itself necessary. It is a matter of a general strategy of evaluation and of risk managements, covering all the steps of water supply, and from the source to the consumer. The description of the principles of this approach, is based on the multi-barrier development of a protection, will be exposed in the first part of my monograph. For the experimental part, our choice is about a station of production of drinkable water that is situated to the town Msoun (province of Taza), that still remains an enclosed zone non served by the ONEE, disposing only of salty water, which need the treatment of demineralization by inverse osmosis (I.O) of this water before use by DWS. After forming the WSP team, the first task consists in, precisely, describing the data of the quality of water, as well as the establishment of a synoptic outline of our DWS system. The determination of risks and dangerous events, and evaluation of the risks allow us to describe when, where and what might happen in terms of risks (biological, physical and chemical) and dangerous events and to put into effects the system control achieved and or action plan. In conclusion, our objective remains therefore to produce drinking water corresponding to the regulation as well as to transpose this strategy of management of the sanitary risks linked to the water (WSP) of all of drinking water production and distribution unit to guarantee the population?s health.

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  2. DAVISON A., HOWARD G., STEVENS M., CALLAN P., FEWTRELL L., DEERE D., BARTRAM J. (2005) Water safety plans: managing drinking-water quality from catchment to consumer. (OMS - Gen?ve).
  3. OMS (2008). Guidelines for Drinking - Water Quality, Vol.1, Recommendations - 3rd
  4. ISESCO (2009) Gestion des ressources en eau - Rapport d?experts du r?seau inter-islamique sur le d?veloppement.
  5. E.E.E (2009) Etat de la qualit? des ressources en eau au Maroc - Secr?tariat d\\\'Etat Charg? de l\\\'Eau et de l\\\'Environnement.
  6. WHO, IWA (2017) Global status report on water safety plans - A review of proactive risk assessment and risk management practices to ensure the safety of drinking-water.

[R. Boukhris, L. Laraki and M. Fekhaoui. (2017); LA GESTION DE LA SECURITE SANITAIRE DE LEAU AU MAROC SELON LAPPROCHE WSP-OMS. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 5 (Dec). 101-107] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Inspection du Service de Santé des FAR


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/5943      
DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/5943