30Apr 2015

Use of Human Hair as Natural Fiber for Fly Ash Bricks to Minimize Negative Environmental Impacts of this Waste

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The fly ash is disposed off either in dry form or mixed with water and discharged as slurry into locations called ash ponds, lagoons or dykes. Also as we know, by thermal industry fly ash is generated in huge quantities. The quantity of fly ash produced worldwide in enormous and keeps increasing every passing year The protenious substance such as human hair, nails etc are not always managed or utilized. So these wastes can be recycled, as they will b incorporated in the brick making. So by use of this natural fiber will make the building material green.it is essential to use this waste in flyash bricks in order to improve the properties of flyash bricks.

[Hamidullah Naik, Nissar Ahmad Naikoo, Aisha Asgar, Eajaz Ahmad Mir, Danishwar Shaffi, Zakir Hussain Tak (2015); Use of Human Hair as Natural Fiber for Fly Ash Bricks to Minimize Negative Environmental Impacts of this Waste Int. J. of Adv. Res. 3 (Apr). 0] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Hamidullah Naik