20Dec 2016


  • Junior Resident, Department of Pathology, Era’s Lucknow Medical College & Hospital, Lucknow, U.P. India.
  • Associate Professor, Department of Pathology, Era’s Lucknow Medical College & Hospital, Lucknow, U.P. India.
  • Professor, Department of Pathology, Era’s Lucknow Medical College & Hospital, Lucknow, U.P. India.
  • Professor, Department of Pathology, Era’s Lucknow Medical College & Hospital, Lucknow, U.P. India.
  • Professor and Head, Department of Surgery, Era’s Lucknow Medical College & Hospital, Lucknow, U.P. India.
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Papillary lesions of the breast are a complex group ranging from benign to malignant. Invasive Papillary Breast Carcinomas are rare and account for approximately 0.5% of all invasive breast carcinomas. Here we report a case of 35 year old female who presented with a mass in the left breast Routine hematological investigations were within normal limits and USG revealed ill defined SOL .Grossly a well circumscribed grey-white tumor with few peripheral lobulations measuring 8x10cm was seen.Tumor appears to be reaching upto skin anteriorly and also reaching upto base posteriorly. Microscopically tumor is composed of large variable sized ducts completely filled by a solid proliferation of malignant cells. The rounded tumor nests are well circumscribed and multinodular.At periphery tumor shows infiltrative small nests of malignant cells, with surrounding desmoplastic stroma. Papillary carcinomas are mostly cystic. Solid lesions though occur less may be carcinomas with exclusive papillary morphology.They have a tendency to manifest as large masses which are related to the common presence of the bulky cystic components. Hence, the size of the invasive element is often small. For the cases showing invasion, prognosis depends on the invasive component.however cases without invasion show a better prognosis.

[Amreen Brown, Parul Gupta, Shruti Singh, Nirupma Lal, A.N. Srivastava and Osman Musa. (2016); INVASIVE SOLID PAPILLARY CARCINOMA BREAST-A RARE CASE REPORT. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 4 (Dec). 1301-1305] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Dr Parul Gupta


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/2522      
DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/2522