20Dec 2016


  • Associate Prof. of Public Health and Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Northern Border University, KSA.
  • Intern, Faculty of Medicine, Alfaisal University, Riyadh, KSA.
  • Intern, Faculty of Medicine, Qassim University, KSA.
  • Student, Faculty of Medicine, Northern Border University, KSA.
  • Intern, Faculty of Medicine, Northern Border University, KSA.
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The population of the world is aging rapidly, because of increasing life expectancy and falling birth rates This age is also more prone to have chronic diseases and there is a need to ensure health and social support to that vulnerable group. Psychological diseases represent an important public health problem. Local level data concerning psychological diseases is essential for providing control programs. Study objective: To study the demographic profile of elderly and to estimate the prevalence of previously diagnosed psychological diseases, its types and its determinants among the elderly population of Arar city, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Methodology: The present cross sectional community based study was conducted in Arar city, the capital of Northern Borders Governorate of KSA, on 138 elderly people of age 60 years and more. Systematic random sampling technique was followed. Data was collected through personal interviews with the sampled elderly and filling the questionnaire, which guided us to the data of socio-demographic characteristics and psychological diseases, its types and its determinants. Results: The total prevalence of psychological diseases among studied elderly population was 14.4%. Depression was 8.7%, Alzheimer's disease was 2.9% and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) was 2.9% too. There is significant effect of age group (P<0.05), but no significant effect of sex, educational level, marital status, smoking, diabetes millets or obesity on the occurrence of psychiatric problems among the studied elderly population (P>0.05). Conclusion and recommendations: In light of the results of the present study; more research work is needed to assess objectively the psychiatric diseases among elderly population in Arar city, Northern Saudi Arabia and it seems reasonable to remain cautiously optimistic while continuing to work toward a full understanding of all factors determining the occurrence of all psychiatric problems among that vulnerable group.

[Nagah Mohamed Abo El-Fetoh, Mohammed Faried Mourad, MalakAbdulaziz Almuneef, Waad Abdullah Alotaibi, Othman Mashfi Alshammari4,AbdrahmanSulaiman Alanazi and Modhi A. Alanizi. (2016); PSYCHIATRIC PROBLEMS AMONG GERIATRIC POPULATION OF ARAR CITY, KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA: PREVALENCE AND DETERMINANTS. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 4 (Dec). 1470-1476] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Dr. Nagah M. Abo El-Fetoh


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/2547      
DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/2547