21Feb 2017


  • PhD in public health and preventive medicine, Assistant Professor in health sciences department, Health and rehabilitation sciences college, Princess Noura Bint Abdelrhaman University.
  • Graduate students, epidemiology program, health sciences department, Health and rehabilitation sciences college, Princess Noura Bint Abdelrhaman University.
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Background of the problem:- Osteoporosis affects around 200 million female in the word and 34% of Saudi female suffer from it. Measuring the extent of the community's awareness especially in target groups is the beneficial way to reduce the prevalence. Objectives:Assess the baseline knowledge about osteoporosis among female employees, to implement health education program and to evaluate the effectiveness of health education program. Method:An educational intervention study carried out in three phases' assessment, education, and evaluation. To measure the change in the knowledge by comparing the change between the pre and posttest group. Questionnaire was collected from 112 female employees in the college of Administration and Business at Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University. Result:There was a significant improvement in the level of knowledge in the posttest in all what is related to the planned educational program about osteoporosis was (p?.001) except for diagnosis (p=.116).The mean total knowledge score has significantly increased in the posttest (41.6±3.83). Conclusion:The educational intervention program about osteoporosis was effective. The knowledge improved and the aim was successfully achieved. Recommendations:In this intervention study the majority of the participants were educated and employees aged between 21-30 years old. However, the most beneficial way to reach the effectiveness of the educational program is through the most affected group in women at menopausal stage, unemployment house wives with different background.

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[Eman M. mortada, Lulwah Al Bahlal, Rawabi Al Sayer and Alaa Al Ghamdi. (2017); EFFECTIVENESS OF EDUCATIONAL INTERVENTION ON IMPROVING AWARENESS ABOUT OSTEOPOROSIS AMONG UNIVERSITY FEMALE EMPLOYEES. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 5 (Feb). 1016-1023] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Eman M. mortada
PhD in public health and preventive medicine, Assistant Professor in health sciences department, Health and rehabilitation sciences college, Princess Noura Bint Abdelrhaman University.


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/3247      
DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/3247