18Feb 2017


  • Unifeso- Centro Universitario Serra dos Orgaos- Teresopolis-Rio de Janeiro-Brasil.
  • Ministerio da Agricultura, Pecuaria e Abastecimento, Secretaria de DefesaAgropecuaria,Departamento de Sa?de Animal- Brasil.
  • Fundacao Rio-Zoo-Brasil.
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The deficiency of information and updates related to normal haematological and biochemical parameters study of certain species, such as the case of Ammotraguslervia species (Barbary sheep), generates the need for further research in this area. Therefore, in this work were used five animals of the Ammotraguslervia species, one male and four females, to the preliminary study of its hematological parameters. All quantitative and qualitative determinations were established by conventional techniques, and used the same techniques of domestic ruminants. Haematological values obtained for the average Ammotraguslervia species were: RBC 13.17 x 106/mm3; 14.02 hemoglobin g/100 ml; PCV 42.20%; MCV 32.38 fl; MCH 10.72 pg; MCHC 33.18%; WBC 9.92 x 103/mm3; Basophils 0%; Eosinophils 3%; Band Neutrophils 3%; Segmented Neutrophils 66%; Lymphocytes 27%; Monocytes 1%. In the statistical analysis was determined just the average of the variables, just like standard deviation and confidence intervals, due to the small number of individuals and of inequality between the number of males and females. Standard techniques used in the preparation of haematological exams for the domestic ruminants are effective for Ammotraguslervia species. Haematological values obtained for the Ammotraguslervia species exhibit a variability regarding the data of hematological values described in the literature. The discoid biconcave format and the smaller size of the red blood cells observed in this study for the Ammotraguslervia species are equal to the shape and size of the cells described in the literature for the same species.

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[Daniela Mello Vianna Ferrer, Carlos Henrique Pizarro Borges, Vera Lucia de Oliveira and Denise de Mello Bobany. (2017); PRELIMINARY PARAMETERS OF HEMATOLOGIC VALUES IN BARBARY SHEEP (AMMOTRAGUS LERVIA PALLAS, 1777). Int. J. of Adv. Res. 5 (Feb). 673-679] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Denise de Mello Bobány
Centro Universitário Serra dos Órgãos - UNIFESO


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/3200      
DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/3200