30Apr 2014

Study on bacterial dissemination and pathological findings of Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli in white albino mice

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In a study designed to identify the pathogenesis of Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli ( EPEC) in white albino mice . EPEC strain was isolated from diarrhea of children in Al-KadhimiyaHospital , Baghdad , Iraq . The EPEC strain Isolated , biochemically and serologically typed as EPEC 0119 . Then two groups of mice ( 30 mice in each group ) control group injected with phosphate buffer saline 0.1 ml S/C and infected group S/C injected with 0.1 ml of 10x910 CFU/ml . Results revealed that heavy bacterial growth were disseminated in the internal organs ; intestine , liver , lungs , kidneys , Brain , heart & spleen during 48hrs post inoculation . Among pathological findings , thrombosis , edema and acute inflammatory cells response ( neutrophils ) infiltrate these internal organs of the mice Conclusion 1- heavy bacterial growth disseminate in the internal organs of mice following S/C inoculation of EPEC in mice . 2- severepathogical lesions in the internal organs of mice following inoculation with these bacteria.

[Dr. Khalil H.Al-Jeboori and Marwa S. Kezar (2014); Study on bacterial dissemination and pathological findings of Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli in white albino mice Int. J. of Adv. Res. 2 (Apr). 0] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

khalil hassan