22Apr 2017


  • 1. Department of Physiology, Medical Faculty, Medical University-Plovdiv.
  • 2. First department of internal diseases ? cardiology section, Medical Faculty, Medical University ? Plovdiv.
  • 3. Student 2nd course dental medicine, Dental faculty, Medical University, Plovdiv.
  • 4. Department of internal diseases ? cardiology section, Medical Faculty, Medical University ? Varna.
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The goal of the study was to examine microcirculation and the hemodynamic profile in individuals with high normal arterial pressure (HNAP). The object of the investigation is focused on young individuals from 18 to 35 years with HNAP. The two following groups ? with HNAP and with optimal normal arterial pressure (ONBP) are formed, based on inquiry and screening arterial pressure measurement among 109 individuals (49 men and 60 women). Non invasive native capillaroscopy and anthropometric examination, arterial pressure monitoring and non invasive bio impedance cardiography were carried out. Results: Significantly higher crossed capillaries percentage (22.34?13.07, p< 0.05) is registered in HNAP group compared to the controls ? 16.36?16.64. Cardiac output /cardiac index ratio and velocity index were increased in HNAP, as well as mean arterial pressure. Conclusion: hemodynamic evaluations in HNAP group are close to these in hypertensive individuals.

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[Mariana Bacelova, Julia Nikolova, Peter Nikolov, Maria Bacelova and Maria Negreva. (2017); HEMODYNAMIC INDEXES, REGISTERED IN YOUNG SUBJECTS WITH HIGH NORMAL BLOOD PRESSURE. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 5 (Apr). 330-334] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Mariana Bacelova
Department of Physiology, Medical University Plovdiv


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/3815      
DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/3815