20May 2017


  • Department of Nursing, Institute of Health Science ?Budi Luhur?, Cimahi, Indonesia.
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This study has surfaced the description of lived experiences of children in a selected orphanage, there is a positive experiences of children, the challangers and problems encountered, and how they can cope with their problems and difficulties during their lived in the orphanage. Methods and ways of working: The study consisted of 7 informant school-aged children which age from 10-13 years old. Qualitative research involves the ?researcher as instrument?, wherein the researcher?s used of self is a primary tool for data collection. The informant would have to answer an interview guide questions by 15 semi structured questions, Interviews were recorded with an audio/video tape and transcribed to produce an accurate representation of the interview proceedings. And observation would also be held to observe attitude and physical appearance of children. The fourth themes in the study were truthfully revealed in their expression of words. The themes which the informants described as A Livable Conditions, Unpleasantly Feeling Process, Hope, and Realization and Acceptance. Based on the findings, the following conclusions were the difficulty of children living in the orphanage has perceived the real condition that they live without their parents and not with their own family, they should compromise their feelings and take the choice, and as they feel more comfortable they would encourage friends. Limitations guardians / caregivers who take care, making children tend to resolve itself any problems and difficulties they encounter during his stay at the orphanage.

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[WulanNovikaAmbarsari. (2017); LIVED EXPERIENCES OF CHILDREN IN A SELECTED ORPHANAGE. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 5 (May). 568-577] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Wulan Novika Ambarsari
1. Department of Nursing, Institute of Health Science “Budi Luhur”, Cimahi, Indonesia


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/4147      
DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/4147