30May 2014

Lithology Data Contribution in Hydrographic Network Distribution Using Remote Sensing and GIS: Case of the Tahaddart Basin, Northwestern Rif, Morocco

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The Tahaddart basin (NW Rif, Morocco) shows dense hydrographic network with varied flow directions. The contribution of the remote sensing (ETM+ Landsat imageries), joined to diverse data (climatic, ranking and drainage trending streams, relief slopes, land use) of this network reported in the GIS and confronted in to data relative to lithological nature of geological formations outcropping in the drainage basin allowed to establish relationship (genetic links) between these geological parameters and the pattern of surface water circulation. The distribution of hydrographic network of the Tahaddart basin was found to be controlled by the lithologies associated to fracturation accidents.

[Mounia Tahiri, Mohammed Achab, Anas Emran, Abdelfatah Tahiri, Mustapha Hakdaoui, Hassan El Hadi (2014); Lithology Data Contribution in Hydrographic Network Distribution Using Remote Sensing and GIS: Case of the Tahaddart Basin, Northwestern Rif, Morocco Int. J. of Adv. Res. 2 (May). 0] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Mounia Tahiri