20Jul 2017


  • Matanza?s University, Cuba. Quality Department.
  • Matanza?s University, Cuba. International relations.
  • Equinoctial Technologic University, Quito, Ecuador. Tourism Observatory Department.
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The knowledge of food safety and innocuousness is indispensable when it is referred to foods and drinks production. For its management, it is required a previous guarantee of hygienic requirements fulfilment. This subject constituted the objective of this research, whose purpose was the proposal of an instrument to evaluate the hygienic prerequisites in gastronomic services. The index proposed was validated in a study object. The instrument was based on the importance of selected criteria?s and its fulfilment according to a checklist. This first analysis it is complemented with a calculation base which contribute to the quantitative character of the method. The proposed instrument shows up automated for a better application. Like main results were obtained an Index proposal of hygienic prerequisites fulfilment (IGHSm), a manual drives for the application of the IGHSm and the proposal of 11 improving actions for the innocuousness management in the study object.

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[Yadrian Arnaldo Garcia Pulido, Alberto Arnaldo Medina Leon, Roberto Argelio Frias Jimenez and Rebeca Milenys Jaquinet Espinosa and Leonardo Manuel Cuetara Sanchez. (2017); SAFETY SERVICES: A GLOBAL INDEX PROPOSAL FOR INNOCUOUSNESS MANAGEMENT IN RESTAURANTS. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 5 (Jul). 783-793] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Yadrián Arnaldo García Pulido
Universidad de Matanzas, Cuba


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/4781      
DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/4781