27Sep 2017


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The study presents a comprehensive statistical analysis of a series of 50 consecutive rhinoplasties of which 38 were primary and 12 were secondary cases. All cases were operated upon using the external rhinoplasty technique; simultaneous septal surgery was performed in 35 of the cases. Deformities of the upper two-thirds of the nose that occurred significantly more in the secondary cases included; dorsal hump dorsal saddling, dorsal irregularities, valve collapse, open roof deformities. In the lower third of the nose; secondary cases showed significantly higher incidences of tip over-rotation, tip asymmetry and retracted columella. Suturing techniques were used significantly more in primary cases, while in secondary cases grafting techniques were used significantly more. The complications encountered intra-operatively included; septal flap tears (2 cases) and alar cartilage injury (1 case), while post-operative complications included; nasal trauma (one case), epistaxis (1 case), infection (1 case), prolonged oedema (8 cases), and nasal obstruction (1 case). The overall patient satisfaction rate was 95 per cent and the transcolumellar scar was found to be unacceptable in none of the cases.

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[Dhinakaran Natarajan, Saravanamuthu Subiah and Raghuram Nataraj. (2017); EXTERNAL RHINOPLASTY: ANALYSIS OF 50 CONSECUTIVE CASES. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 5 (Sep). 1182-1187] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Saravanamuthu Subbiah
Professor of ENT


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/5437      
DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/5437