30Jun 2014

Impact of Deltamethrin on some aspects of Carbohydrate metabolism in fresh water fish Labeo rohita (Hamilton).

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Impact of sublethal concentration of deltamethrin (0.01µg/lt) was studied on blood glucose, liver glycogen and muscle glycogen of the fish Labeo rohita. The blood glucose level elevated on 1st day exposure and gradually decreased on 7th day and 15th day. From 15th day onwards their levels gradually elevated and came nearer to control at 30th day exposure period. In contrast to this the levels of liver and muscle glycogen followed an opposite trend.

[S. R. K. Neeraja and P. Giridhar (2014); Impact of Deltamethrin on some aspects of Carbohydrate metabolism in fresh water fish Labeo rohita (Hamilton). Int. J. of Adv. Res. 2 (Jun). 0] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Dr. P. Giridhar