30Jun 2014


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The basic needs of every human being for survival are considered as food, cloth and shelter. This phenomenon existed for several hundreds of years, till recently. But now the trend has changed as electric power also become one of the basic needs. The electric power plays a very vital role not only in the survival of human being but also for the development of nation. National economy and growth largely depended on the availability of electric power supply. Many of these failures are due to earthquakes. These towers are of a variety of designs and were constructed to different specifications. In India, development of electric power over the years has been phenomenal. The installed capacity has risen from a 2301 MW in 1950-51 to 167,278.36 MW as on 31st October 2010.The analysis and results are conducted using FEM package SAP 2000 Vs 14. The results are predicted for time period, lateral displacement and critical member.

[Swapna Channagoudar, Dr.H.R. Prabhakara (2014); SEISMIC RESPONSE OF TRANSMISSION TOWER USING SAP2000 Int. J. of Adv. Res. 2 (Jun). 0] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Rudraswamy m.p