02Mar 2018


  • Service D?urologie, H?pital Militaire De Nouakchott.
  • Facult? de m?decine de Nouakchott.
  • Service de biologie, H?pital Militaire de Nouakchott.
  • Service d?urologie, Centre Hospitalier National.
  • Service de biologie, Centre Hospitalier National.
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Context: The incidence and prevalence of urolithiasis is increasing in the world, including regions that have historically had low urolithiasis rate. This is explained by the trend of global warming, dietary changes and obesity. Objective: The aim of this study was to describe to identify the chemical composition of urinary stone and to identify the main risk factors. Materials and Methods: 40 patients with urinary stones extracted by intervention or spontaneously expelled, was collected over a period of 20 months with regular follow-up of all patients. Results:For 35% of our patients the age range was 40-59 years, with an equal percentage for the other age range, the male was affected in 90%, the origin corresponded in 40% to a semi- wet followed by wetland (32.5%). Low water intake (less than one liter per day) was observed in 43.6%, an excessive consumption of tea (greater than five times a day) was observed in 43.6%. Oxalocalcic calculations were predominant (67.5%) with rates of 47.5% for whewellite and 20% for weddellite, followed by urine calculations in 20% and phosphocalcic in 12.5%. Conclusion:Urolithiasis affects all age groups, especially young adults. The hot climate and the excessive consumption of lithogeny foods would seem to be the main lithogeny risk factors in our country. For chemical nature, it resembles that observed in neighboring countries, and tends now to follow those of industrialized countries.

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[T I. Boudhaye, A. Abdelmalick, M. Sidbrahim, C. Jdoud and SM. Ghber. (2018); PROFIL MORPHO-CONSTITUTIONNEL DE LA LITHIASE URINAIRE EN MAURITANIE MORPHO-CONSTITUTIONAL PROFILE OF UROLITHIASIS IN MAURITANIA. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 6 (Mar). 24-32] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Taher Boudhaye
service d’urologie, Hôpital Militaire de Nouakchott,Faculté de médecine de Nouakchott


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/6643      
DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/6643