31Aug 2014

The Role of Benthic Invertebrate Species in Freshwater Ecosystem Zoobenthic species influence energy flows and nutrient cycling in Shahpura Lake, Bhopal (M.P.)

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The present study was carries out to know the status of benthic fauna and its Physico-chemical parameter of the Shahpura Lake. The paper deals with the role of annelida worms a major group of aquatic macroinvertebeates in assessing the water quality of Lake. Ten species of oligochaetes have been collected for seven months in monthly sampling from five selected stations during study period in 2008-2009 out of these five species of oligochaetes and Hirudinea in pollution load. According to organisms, water quality at five sampling stations has been classified into least polluted, moderately polluted and highly polluted categories. This classification in agreement with Physio-chemical parameters.

[Shriparna Saxena (2014); The Role of Benthic Invertebrate Species in Freshwater Ecosystem Zoobenthic species influence energy flows and nutrient cycling in Shahpura Lake, Bhopal (M.P.) Int. J. of Adv. Res. 2 (Aug). 0] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Dr. Shriparna Saxena