10Feb 2019


  • Laboratoire de Biochimie et d?Immunologie Appliqu?es, Department of Biochemistry-Microbiology Universit? Ouaga 1 Pr Joseph KI-ZERBO Burkina Faso 03 BP 7021 Ouagadougou 03 Burkina Faso.
  • Institut de Recherche en Sciences Appliqu?es et Technologies D?partement Technologie Alimentaire 03 BP 7047 Ouagadougou 03 Burkina Faso.
  • Laboratoire National de Sant? Publique 09 BP 24 Ouagadougou 09 Burkina Faso.
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This cross sectional study was conducted to determine the level of knowledge, attitude and practices of dairy products handlers in twenty-seven dairies in Ouagadougou, regarding food safety. Data were collected from 80 handler?s trough questionnaire from April 2018 to June 2018. Responses on food safety knowledge (i.e. foodborne diseases, symptoms and pathogens, personal hygiene, good handling practices, time and temperature, cross contamination), attitude and practices were scored to determine the level of handlers. Compiled data were analyzed by using the Statistical Packages for Social Science (SPSS) 16.0. The results showed that there was significantly positive correlation among the three levels and globally, respondents possess insufficient food safety knowledge scores (55.28 ? 10.28) and practices (27.03 ? 5.7). Attitudes were positive with score of 24.48 ? 4.15. Majority of respondents were female (68.8%), under 35 years (67.6%), without formal education or have only primary level. Dairy products handlers were aware of the importance of personal hygiene and good handling practices with regards to the prevention of foodborne diseases. However, some other aspects were of concern. Handlers did not know most of pathogens responsible of foodborne diseases, symptoms, time and temperature control and cross contamination. They also had insufficient practices included lack of health check, using uniform and cape, soap and sanitizer during washing hands. The study?s findings highlighted issues with regards to the extent of knowledge acquisition by dairy products handlers. Therefore, trainings must be adequate, i.e. on-site, in local language and based on risk management.

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[Aissaioule Pauline Millogo-Dah, Abel Tankoano, Abdou Azize Wendketa Ouedraogo, Hagretou Sawadogo-Lingani and Aly Savadogo. (2019); FOOD SAFETY KNOWLEDGE, ATTITUDES AND PRACTICES OF DAIRY PRODUCTS HANDLERS IN DAIRIES OF OUAGADOUGOU, BURKINA FASO. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 7 (Feb). 68-79] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

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Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/8464      
DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/8464