10Feb 2019


  • Department of Interior Design.
  • Institut of Technology SepuluhNopember ?ITS Surabaya, Indonesia.
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Personalization is an individual or group behavior of privacy towards the ownership of objects or places, as physical or non-physical objects. The apartment reception area is a shared area that involves privacy and public behavior. Therefore, personalization in this reception area is presented by the character of the residents\' behavior. The apartment is managed with a high-security system so that the privacy of residents is maintained. In the reception area which is a shared space, there are some interactions betweenresidents with officersand residents with visitors. Privacy of residents is released/shared with officers or visitors because there is ownership of personal identity. This research aims to understand the character of the resident\'s identity in the reception area as a form of sharing in the privacy mechanism in the apartment reception area. This research uses a typical case phenomenology approach. Observation strategies are held by directly observing behavior and physical traces. Structured interviews are also conducted in order to dig deeper into unrecorded objects during direct observation Personal identity in space personalization of the apartment reception area implies trusts and identity tools, Residents have trust in officers so that theiridentity reliance on the officers becomes a privacy interest. For the public interest, residents represent their identity reliance to the officer in public interest (e.g. to visitors). The resident\'s personal identity becomes very meaningful when changing intoa shared identity form. Identity sharing desired by residents, so that it becomes the character of interaction in the apartment reception area. Personalization is not only about the ownership of objects or places but also by the character of interactions with other subjects.

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[Susy Budi Astuti and Lea Kristina Anggraeni. (2019); PERSONAL IDENTITY IN SPACE PERSONALIZATION OF THE APARTMENT RECEPTION AREA, INENVIRONMENTAL BEHAVIOR CONTEXT. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 7 (Feb). 170-178] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Susy Budi Astuti
Department of Interior Design Institut of Technology Sepuluh Nopember –ITS Surabaya, Indonesia


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/8474      
DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/8474