31Oct 2014

Durability of Concrete Internally Cured with Thermostone Waste Subjected to Kerosene

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Prediction of the influence of internal curing on the final mechanical properties and its durability is an important issue in concrete researches. The concept of protected concrete has been one of the most significant theoretical approaches to internal curing. In this paper, the sustainable of thermostone waste (TW) as replacement of a volume portion of the normal weight sand to provide internal curing (IC) for a concrete is examined with respect to its. By adopting this approach (volumetric sand replacement with 7.5% and 10 % prewetted TW) internally cured mixture with 10% show additional benefits that should permit their broader application.

[Ma’aly Salah Al-Ani, Laith Mohammed-Ridha Mahmmod and Raad Mohammad Abd-Al zahra (2014); Durability of Concrete Internally Cured with Thermostone Waste Subjected to Kerosene Int. J. of Adv. Res. 2 (Oct). 0] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

aaly Salah Asad, Laith Mohammed-Ridha Mahmmod and Raad Moham