03Mar 2020


  • School of Strategic and Global Studies, University of Indonesia, Indonesia.
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Baduy are a tribe who strongly hold ancestral traditions in which all social systems are based on traditional belief systems and rules that have been passed down for generations. This study aims to formulate values in the Baduy community that are in line with the concepts Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This research used descriptive method with qualitative approach. Datacollection methods using in-depth interviews, literature study and observation. The data analysis techniques were carried out, through several stages, namely data reduction, data collection, data presentation, drawing conclusions, and evaluations. The results of this study indicate that the insights and principles of Baduy life that exist in the BaduyPikukuh are in harmony and have a common goal with the SDGs concepts. PikukuhBaduy teaches about how to live a good life, manage the environment and farming activities and environmentally friendly. Baduy people have a belief, that they are created on earth as a group of guardians of nature both forests and water in their environment. Baduy's life principle describes the management and development of the Baduy community which is visionary and in harmony with the core objectives of the SDGs concept and approach to development.

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[Payiz Zawahir Muntaha and Arthur Josias Simon Runturambi (2020); THE LOCAL WISDOM OF BADUY REVIEWED FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF SDGS CONCEPT (RESEARCH IN THE INDIGENOUS PEOPLE OF BADUY, LEBAK, BANTEN) Int. J. of Adv. Res. 8 (Mar). 91-101] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Payiz Zawahir Muntaha
School of Strategic and Global Studies, University of Indonesia, Indonesia


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/10602      
DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/10602