28Feb 2015

Prerequisite of Electronic Governance in University Libraries of Andhra Pradesh: A Study

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University libraries of the present decade afford some Lakhs of rupees towards electronic resources, yet many of them are underutilized and unknown to users. It is very legitimate on the part of librarians to know whether the higher education community is using the E-Resources optimally. Consortium has revolutionized the access of scholarly information in the form of E-Resources to all without any discrimination. The availability of E-Resources in university libraries and its effective utilization contribute to all round development of individuals. At higher education level every one need advanced and scholarly information to improve the quality of study, teaching and research. Internet, E-mails, E-Journals, E-Books and CD/DVD ROMs are considered as some of the important E-Resources. The present article depicts the role of e-resources in the governance of higher educational university libraries of Andhra Pradesh.

[K. Kumar, B. R. Naik, Z. Naveen (2015); Prerequisite of Electronic Governance in University Libraries of Andhra Pradesh: A Study Int. J. of Adv. Res. 3 (Feb). 0] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Dr. K.Kumar