26Apr 2015

Effect of Family Empowerment on the Quality of life of School-Aged Children with Asthma Attending Pediatric Outpatient Clinics of Tanta University and El-Mehalla El- Koubra Chest Hospital

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Abstract: - Asthma affects a child’s quality of life and overall health. Children with asthma should be able to achieve good asthma control. Aim of the study: - to evaluate effect of family empowerment on the quality of life of school-aged children with asthma attending pediatric outpatient clinics of Tanta University and El-Mehalla El- Koubra chest hospital Materials and Methods: - The study design was quasi -experimental study. This study was conducted at the Pediatric Outpatient Clinic of Tanta University and Outpatient Clinic of El-Mehalla El- Koubra Chest Hospital. A convenient sample of 47 asthmatic children and their parents in the selected settings who were willing to participate in the study and then randomly divided into two groups of intervention (family empowerment group) (23 child) and control (24child). Three tools were used by the researchers to obtain the necessary data. Tool I: - The structured interview questionnaire sheet and tool II :- Measures Child quality of life and tool III: - Measures Parent/caregiver’s quality of life. Results: The mean of the age of the children in the family empowerment group was (Mean ±SD: 8.91 ± 2.52) while it was (Mean ±SD: 8.66± 2.18) in the control group. More than half of children (56.5% and 58.3%) were male in the family empowerment group and control group respectively. There was statistical significantly different between both groups in the total and subscale scores of quality of life of children before and after the intervention of family empowerment group (p<0.05).Conclusion and recommendations: - There was significantly different between both groups in the total and subscale scores of quality of life of children and caregivers before and after the intervention of family empowerment group and before and after two weeks of control group (p<0.05). Educational programs about asthma are recommended to be performed on asthmatic patients in all age groups.

[Latifa Mahmoud Fouda, Amaal Mohamed Ahmed El-Zeftawy and Amira Mohammed Saed Mohammed Khalil (2015); Effect of Family Empowerment on the Quality of life of School-Aged Children with Asthma Attending Pediatric Outpatient Clinics of Tanta University and El-Mehalla El- Koubra Chest Hospital Int. J. of Adv. Res. 3 (Apr). 0] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Amira MohammedSaed Mohammed Khalil**.