30Apr 2015

Seedling age and growth rate of a gymnospermic tree species (Pinus wallichiana) from Ganji valley District Skardu Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan

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Using dendrochronological methods 15 Himalayan Pine (Pinus wallichiana) tree species were selected to obtain wood sample by Swedish Increment Borer device. Four size classes of mean age of various seedlings, based on two cm interval, showed that the relationship between Dbh classes and actual age was significantly correlated (r =0.544, p<0.01). Dbh size classes showed that mean age increases with respect to Dbh, though like seedlings due to wide variance it is not prudent to predict age from Dbh. In normal circumstance, seedlings show variation in regeneration pattern in different periods, this condition may be due to the different ecological, biotic and biological situation. It indicates that the growth rate of seedlings was more or less similar to different size classes. Relationship between growth rates year/cm and actual age of seeding attained a significant relation (r=0.571, p<0.01). It is shown that the growth rate of seedlings varies in different size classes. This situation may be due to the natural and human induced disturbance or other environmental stress.

[Muhammad Akbar, Shaukat Ali, Sujjad Hyder, Muhammad Ali, Farida Begum ,Ghulam Raza (2015); Seedling age and growth rate of a gymnospermic tree species (Pinus wallichiana) from Ganji valley District Skardu Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan Int. J. of Adv. Res. 3 (Apr). 0] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Muhammad Akbar