28Feb 2014

Karyological characteristics of two species of unstriped ichthyophid caecilians (Amphibia:Gymnophiona:Ichthyophiidae) of Western Ghats of India

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Karyotypic details of two species of unicoloured caecilians namely Ichthyophis malabarensis (2n=42-44, FN=60,66) and Ichthyophis peninsularis (2n=42, FN=58) collected from Western Ghats of India, is reported for the first time. Role of chromosomal rearrangements involved in karyotypic derivation is discussed. The present chromosomal data suggest that there exists more than one species of unstriped ichthyophid caecilian species in Western Ghats of India.

[Venu Govindappa (2014); Karyological characteristics of two species of unstriped ichthyophid caecilians (Amphibia:Gymnophiona:Ichthyophiidae) of Western Ghats of India Int. J. of Adv. Res. 2 (Feb). 0] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Dr. Venu Govindappa