26Jun 2017


  • Research Scholar, Rayalaseema university, Kurnool India.
  • Department of Computer Science, Krishna University, Machilipatnam.
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In general, Project Manager masters the project management methods and processes. Upon to the dynamic changes in the projects, project management needs adaptability and willingness to deal the unexpected situations. Project Managers building these abilities can gain customer confidence and can fulfill the exact needs of the clients? expectations. In this paper the challenges are properly aligned to the process groups considering their impact. Project management if consider these challenges can fold the project delays and can manage the dynamic situations. With the recent trends and changes in the process, irrespective of the methods followed every project goes through the project management process groups. Project manager needs to chalk out or list out all the challenges such that (s) he being the project representative in the organization as well to the client, needs to make all the stake holders responsible to deliver a product or project which fulfill the exact needs of the client or customer. Project Manager is always surrounded by a plenty of challenges, where the challenges need prioritization by aligning them with the knowledge areas as well the process groups can yield more success to the overall project. Let?s discuss here if project manager aligns the challenges to the respective process groups by strengthening the approach, can pave way to the success of the project and gain the customer confidence.

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[G. V. Bhanu Sai Prasad, V. B. N. V Sai and Kiran Kumar Reddi. (2017); CHALLENGES OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT ALIGNING TO THE PROCESS GROUPS THAT CAN FULFIL THE CLIENTS? EXPECTATIONS. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 5 (Jun). 1978-1988] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Computer Science & Engineering Rayalaseema University Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh, India.


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/4631      
DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/4631