08Oct 2018


  • Physiotherapist at orthopedic out clinic, Faculty of Physical therapy, Cairo University.
  • Lecturer of physical therapy in department of orthopedic surgery faculty of physical therapy Cairo university.
  • Assistant professor of orthopedic surgery faculty of medicine Suez Canal university.
  • professor of physical therapy in department of orthopedic surgery faculty of physical therapy Cairo university.
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Background: Medial tibial stress syndrome also called shin splints; the incidence ranges 4-35% in athletic& military populations present with medial tibial stress syndrome .Pain at posteromedial tibia. The pain is cumulative with activity & persists for a long time. Purpose: this study was conducted to determine the hip muscles? peak torque in medial tibial stress syndrome. Subjects and methods: forty participants were included in this study divided into two groups, group A (20 subjects with MTSS) ,While group B(20 normal subjects) both groups were assessed for hip abductors, adductors, external rotators and internal rotators peak torque through Isokinetic Biodex system. Results: indicated that there was a significant decrease in the hip abductors? peak torque (p = 0.001) and the hip adductors? peak torque (p = 0.008) in the MTSS group compared with normal group, but There was no significant difference in the hip internal rotators? peak torque (p=0.059) and the hip external rotators? peak torque (p = 0.8) between the MTSS and normal. Conclusion : Participants with medial tibial stress syndrome demonstrated significantly decrease in the hip abductors? and adductors? peak torque, with regard to this study results, we concluded that, weakness of hip abductors is one of the causes of medial tibial stress syndrome Accordingly, it is needed to focus in our (rehabilitation and prevention strategies) on strengthening exercises for hip abductors .

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[Shreen A. Lashien, Ebtessam F. Gomaa, Asherf M. Abd Elkafy and Nadia A. Fayaz. (2018); HIP MUSCLES TORQUE IN RUNNERS WITH MEDIAL TIBIAL STRESS SYNDROME. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 6 (Oct). 596-602] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Physiotherapist at orthopedic out clinic of Faculty of Physical therapy, Cairo University.


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/7845      
DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/7845