22Jun 2019


  • Department of Clinical nursing and health informatics, Masinde Muliro University of science and technology.
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Objective. The objective of the study was to assess factors affecting implementation of nursing process among nurse in hospital in Vihiga county referral hospital. Design. The study was a descriptive cross-sectional study. Setting. The study was carried out in Vihiga County Sample. Vihiga County was conveniently sampled. Nurses in the were Stratified randomly sampled. The specific ward represented the strata for example the medical or surgical ward was the strata from which sampling was done (n = 50) Analysis. Data was analyzed through descriptive statistics, Independent samples? T-test and One-way analysis of variance. Main outcome measures. Factors influencing nursing process Results. majority of the respondents 31 (62.6%) agreed that staff shortage was a factor influencing nursing process. Majority of the respondents 29 (58.6%) disagreed that lack of cooperation was a factor influencing implementation of nursing process. Of the 50 respondents, 35 (70.7%) of the respondents agreed that lack of adequate equipment was a major hindrance to nursing process. 31 (61.6%) of the respondents agreed that inadequate knowledge was a barrier. The ANOVA model showed significant differences amongst the different age groups F (3,50) = 9.403, p <0.05. The partial eta squared showed that only 7% of the variability in the factors influencing nursing process could be attributed to the age?2 = 0. 07. No significant differences amongst the different nurse classification F (2,50) = 0.012, p = 0.988. And significant differences amongst the different work experience categories F (4,50) = 8.038, p <0.05. Conclusion. The study established that nurses are working in stressful moments due to lack of enough nursing staffs: adequate staffing to be done. Registered nurses working in VCRH require training on implementation of nursing process.

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[Lilian Amugitsi Isiaho. (2019); FACTORS INFLUENCING IMPLEMENTATION OF NURSING PROCESS AMONG REGISTERED NURSES IN VIHIGA COUNTY REFERRAL HOSPITAL. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 7 (Jun). 983-989] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Lilian Amugitsi Isiaho
Masinde Muliro University of science and technology


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/9301      
DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/9301