16Aug 2022


  • Doctor en Gestion AdministrativaInstitucion: Universidad Autonoma de CampecheDireccion: Av. AgustinMelgar s/n, Col. Buenavista, Campeche, Mexico.
  • Candidato a Doctor en Analisis Estrategico y Desarrollo Sustentable Institucion: Universidad Autonoma de Campeche Direccion: Av. AgustinMelgar s/n, Col. Buenavista, Campeche, Mexico.
  • Doctor en Ciencias de la Administracion Institucion: Universidad Autonoma de Campeche Direccion: Av. AgustinMelgar s/n, Col. Buenavista, Campeche, Mexico.
  • Doctor en Ciencias de la Administracion Institucion: Universidad Autonoma de Campeche Direccion: Av. AgustinMelgar s/n, Col. Buenavista, Campeche, Mexico.
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This article shows the changing role of the human capital professional through the technological advances of the fourth revolution. This research will focus on understanding these implications in different countries that have introduced these technological advances and compare them with a developing country, such as Mexico, which as a case study, provides insight into how an underdeveloped field and human capital program and little researched can affect companies and organizations. It is a documentary and qualitative research. The research shows that the role of the human capital area will shift towards training, development, and strategic roles, while also concentrating on reward systems and employee benefits. The lack of data on human capital management and the lack of technologies of the fourth revolution in Mexico make it difficult to understand how the citizens of this country see the role of a human resources manager. In conclusion, it offers recommendations on how this situation can improve in Mexico and why the use of technologies for human capital management in the fourth revolution is important to help change these new roles of human capital professionals, for their benefit. but also, for the organization and the employees.

[Giselle Guillermo Chuc, Fidel Ramon Alcocer Martinez, Charlotte Monserrat Llanes Chiquini and Carlos Alberto Perez Canul (2022); IMPACT AND EVOLUTION OF THE TECHNOLOGY USED IN THE MANAGEMENT OF HUMAN CAPITAL IN MEXICO Int. J. of Adv. Res. 10 (Aug). 120-125] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Giselle Guillermo Chuc
Doctor en Gestión Administrativa


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/15156      
DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/15156