25May 2023


  • Tutor/Charge Nurse, MGM New Bombay College of Nursing, MGMIHS, Navi Mumbai.
  • UG Student MGM New Bombay College of Nursing, MGMIHS, Navi Mumbai.
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The study aims to identify the menstrual pattern of women, to correlate body mass index with menstrual pattern among women and to associate the menstrual pattern with demographic variables among women.

Methodology: The study design was correlational descriptive survey design includes women age group between 15-30 years. The sample was 317 women on the basis of snowball sampling technique. Data was collected by Google form using self-structured questionnaire method and analyzed by chi square test.

Result: There was no correlation with BMI &Menstrual pattern. The majority (75.1%) were having regular periods. There was significant association between menstrual patterns with socio-demographic variables such as age with the interval between one menstrual cycle, manage menses during school with days of experiencing heavy bleeding, Hb level with days of experiencing heavy bleeding, effect of medication with menstrual period and days of experiences of heavy bleeding, effect of climate change with the menstrual pattern, daily activity with regular period at a significance level of P< 0.05.

Discussion: The present study revealed that there is a significant association between menstrual patterns with demographic variable.

[Punam Rane, Priyanka P., Ankita B., Mishel P., Anushka K., Simi J. Varsha A. and Nutan S. (2023); BODY MASS INDEX AND MENSTRUAL PATTERN AMONG WOMEN: A CORRELATIONAL STUDY Int. J. of Adv. Res. 11 (May). 262-270] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Punam Prabhakar Rane



Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/16877      
DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/16877