18Apr 2024


  • Student, Dept of Business Analytics, CMS B-School, Jain (Deemed-to-be-University).
  • Assistant Professor, Dept of Business Analytics, CMS B-School, Jain (Deemed-to-be-University).
  • Assistant Professor, Dept of Business Analytics, CMS B-School, Jain (Deemed-to-be-University).
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The emergence of digital meal delivery platforms has completely changed the restaurant business and the way customers eat. This thesis looks into how online meal delivery partners affect restaurant patron satisfaction levels using an analytics-driven methodology. The studys objectives are to identify the critical elements that influence customer happiness and determine how delivery services affect a restaurants overall performance. The study technique makes use of a variety of datasets to conduct a multidimensional examination. The foundation of the analytical framework is made up of survey data on customer feedback. To enable thorough analysis, the data is carefully cleaned, integrated, and feature engineered. Through correlation analysis and predictive modelling techniques, the study scrutinizes the relationship between various parameters including delivery time, order accuracy, restaurant ratings, and customer satisfaction. Segmentation analysis is utilized to discern distinct customer preferences and behaviours, aiding in the identification of nuanced patterns. The findings unearth key insights into the factors that significantly influence customer satisfaction. The analysis unveils the impact of delivery partners on restaurant performance, delineating the critical facets that contribute to customer contentment in the context of online food delivery services. Leveraging analytics methodologies, we analyse various factors affecting customer satisfaction, including delivery time, order accuracy, customer service, and platform usability. The thesis culminates in actionable recommendations aimed at enhancing service quality and optimizing the delivery experience. The insights derived from the analytical study serve as a foundation for strategic enhancements, fostering collaborative improvements between restaurants and delivery partners. This research advances the understanding of the intricate dynamics between online food delivery services and customer satisfaction within the restaurant industry. It serves as a roadmap for restaurant owners, offering actionable strategies to elevate service standards and augment customer experiences in the evolving landscape of food delivery.

[Vinu Surutha Lakshmi L., Syed Shahid Raza and Praveen Gujjar (2024); AN ANALYTICS APPROACH TO STUDYING THE IMPACT OF ONLINE FOOD DELIVERY PARTNERS ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AT RESTAURANTS Int. J. of Adv. Res. (Apr). 40-45] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Dr. Syed Shahid Raza
Assistant Professor, Dept of Business Analytics, CMS B-School, Jain(Deemed-to-be-University)


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/18514      
DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/18514