31Aug 2014

Development of a Primary Cell Culture from Hepatopancreas of the Common Fresh Water Crab, Paratelphusa hydrodromus Using Serum Free Medium

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A primary cell culture from hepatopancreas of the common fresh water crab, Paratelphusa hydrodromus was developed using serum free medium. The cells were grown at 25ºC in L-15 medium with glutamine and antibiotics. The cells of the hepatopancreas were round and showed a strong tendency to attach to the surface of the flask. The cells became confluent after 84 hours of post seeding and seen attached to the surface of the flask.

[Mashhoor K., Smitha V., Nithya V., Mohamed U.V.K. and Lazar K.V. (2014); Development of a Primary Cell Culture from Hepatopancreas of the Common Fresh Water Crab, Paratelphusa hydrodromus Using Serum Free Medium Int. J. of Adv. Res. 2 (Aug). 0] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Dr.K.V. Lazar