31Dec 2016


  • Medical intern, Taibah University.
  • Medical intern, Ibn Sina National College.
  • Medical student, Almaarefa colleges.
  • Medical intern, Saudi University.
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Background: Colorectal cancer is the second most common cancer in Saudi Arabia. Early screening for this disease increases the chances of successful treatment and survival. So, this study aimed to assess the level of the public awareness of risk factors and screening for colorectal cancer among Saudi Arabia population 2016, Saudi Arabia. Methods: Across-sectional study was conducted through Saudi population from all regions, including (4977) participants, of both genders and various ages. The questionnaire was answered electronically. The questionnaire consists of five main parts of questions. The first part includes demographic questions. The second part includes questions related to the awareness about the symptoms and risk factor of colorectal cancer. The third part includes questions related to the awareness of early screening for colorectal cancer. The fourth part includes questions related to Knowledge and attitude of colorectal cancer early screening. While include questions related to barrier of colorectal cancer early screening. Results: From (4977) participants (2366) males and (2611) females, 75.8% heard about colorectal cancer before. The most symptom reported by respondents “blood with stool” by 29% only. The most risk factor reported by respondents "inflammatory and ulceration of the colon," by 32%. 67% have never heard about early screening for colorectal cancer only 5.2% do early screening for colorectal cancer. The most common known way to detect the disease “Colonoscopy”. 47% do not have any reasons preventing them from having the early screening for colorectal cancer. There was a relationship between having early colorectal cancer screening and gender, age, educational level, and monthly income (P-value < 0.05). But there was a relationship between having early colorectal cancer screening and region or living place (P-value > 0.05). Conclusion:There was a low level of awareness about the symptoms and risk factor of colorectal cancer. Also, there was poor public awareness, knowledge and attitude towards colorectal cancer early screening.

[Ibrahim Ahmed Alzahrani, Mather Jafar Alabduljabbar, Mariam Jaber Aljehani, Asma Mushabab Alahmari, Mohammad Mustafa Aljafar, Ahmad Hamdan Almohammadi and Amal M. Ayoub Omar. (2016); PUBLIC AWARENESS OF RISK FACTORS AND SCREENING FOR COLORECTAL CANCER AMONG SAUDI ARABIA POPULATION, 2016. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 4 (Dec). 2039-2054] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Dr. Asma


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/2620      
DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/2620