30Apr 2014

Ion Selective Electrode for L- GlutamateA coated wire

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Glutamate ( MSG ) ion selective electrode (ISE) was developed . Ag /Ag+Glu- wire electrode is covered by an inert silicon rubber and contact with reference electrode .The concentration range for which the glutamate ion can be detected , generally 10-4-1 M, with the calibration slop 26.4 mV decade -1 in 10 -2 M NaNO3 . The selectivity coefficient of (MSG) electrode were measured by separate solution method of some organic and inorganic compound . The electrode can be applied to determined MSG in milk by direct method . The temperature effect on (MSG) electrode behavior is described.

[Menna M. Elbeshlawy (2014); Ion Selective Electrode for L- GlutamateA coated wire Int. J. of Adv. Res. 2 (Apr). 0] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Menna M. Elbeshlawy