20Mar 2017


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The system assists people specially travelers to find their paths while travelling in English speaking countries without language barrier. Sign Board helps travelers to complete their journey with ease. But, understanding sign boards in English will be difficult for travelers who don’t know English. To solve this, we are using text retrieval and translation from English to Marathi from sign boards. Text retrieval can be performed by using methods like Optical Character Recognition, Maximally Stable Extremal Region etc. Text translation can be performed by using various free API services available from organizations like Google, Microsoft, Yandex etc. For text retrieval, we found Optical Character Recognition as the best technique and for translation API services available from Google are the best.

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[Harshal Thosare, Mayank Pandey, Omkar Godse, Priyanka Shah and Prof. Mrs. Dipalee Choudhari. (2017); SURVEY PAPER ON TEXT RETRIEVAL AND TRANSLATION FROM SIGN BOARD IMAGES. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 5 (Mar). 176-181] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Omkar Godse


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/3500      
DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/3500