08Jun 2017


  • Integrated Researcher at CITCEM, University of Porto.
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Today\'s social reality forces us to be able to interact with various forms of socialization, old and new, such as the internet and new social networks, interactive communication platforms and using multiple reading / writing practices in associated textual, digital and virtual genres To various technologies and functionalities coexisting in our technological, literate, technological and network societies. As a reference to such background dynamics, this text presents an exploratory case study of information transfer in contemporary epistolary writing networks, in which the sociocultural perspective of Information is sought to be cross-referenced with the application of the Sociological Analysis of Social Networks Actor-Network) and the principle of \"dynamic use\" of the network concept (L. Pineau, 1994: 24). In this conceptual and methodological framework, the study focuses on the epistolary collection of Jorge de Sena and M?cia de Sena (Portugal, Brazil, USA, 1940-70) outstanding figures of Portuguese literature and culture, aiming to understand the use of communication and information And the application of local-global knowledge in intellectual communities. Following the social actors, typologies and elements of \"social networks\" are observed in this epistolary dialogue that feeds and redefines action and knowledge, academic work and research, literary creation and intercultural relations, means of illustration of information mediation to its socio-cultural dimension. It concludes by the importance of the approximation of Information Science to the Social Studies of Sciences and Technologies that allow to understand social processes and technological innovation, and relevance of this approach in the skills of the information manager in the 21st century.

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[ Maria Ot'lia Pereira Lage. (2017); MEDIATION OF INFORMATION. SOCIAL NETWORK ANALYSIS IN THE EPISTOLARY COLLECTION OF JORGE DE SENA AND MECIA. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 5 (Jun). 123-131] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

maria otilia pereira lage
Integrated Researcher at CITCEM – University of Porto


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/4389      
DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/4389