24Jul 2017


  • Department of Reproduction and Gynaecologi Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Airlangga, Surabaya.
  • Post Graduated Program in Animal Science, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, University of Brawijaya, Malang.
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Processing semen needs appropriate technology to produce high quality of sperm for successful artificial insemination (AI) program. Quick freezing in this study is alternatif method of sperm cryopreservation processes that can be used to produce frozen semen in a large number, besides not required an expensive equipment, it is not time consuming with shorter time compared than ussual method of frozen semen. The present study was conducted to evaluate the effect usage quick freezing method and suplementation alpha tocopherol to egg yolk tris-aminomethan extender on sperm motility and plasma membrane integrity. Quick freezing of semen performed with diluted of fresh semen in extender and suplemented with 0.0 mM (P0); 0.5 mM (P1); 1 mM (P2) and 1.5mM (P3) alpha tocopherol, respectively, then loaded into 0.25 ml straw and referigerated for 30 min. Before plunging into liquid nitrogen (LN2), the straw containing sperm was placed 5 cm above liquid nitrogen surface for equilibration to nitrogen vapour temperature for 5 min before direct plunged into liquid nitrogen. The sperm was evaluated for motility and membrane integrity by hypo-osmotic swelling test (HOST) before freezing (50C) and after freezing. The results showed that sperm motility before freezing were 54.00 ? 3.94%, 56.00 ? 3.94%, 61.00 ? 2.11% and 56.00 ? 5.16% (P>0.05) for Control, P1, P2 and P3 groups, respectively. Plasma membrane integrity (PMI) were 58.80 ? 1.87%, 60.10 ? 3.78%, 67.00 ? 2.04%, 60.05 ? 3.28% for the respective groups (P>0.05) (P3). After quick freezing respectively, sperm motility were 32.00 ? 4.22% (control), 34.00 ? 5.16% (P1), 42.00 ? 4.22% (P2), 36.00 ? 5.16% (P3); and plasma membrane integrity were 51.05 ? 1.30% (control), 52.75 ? 4.01% (P1), 60.50 ? 2.02% (P2), 52.45 ? 1.10% (P3). Sperm motility and plasma membrane integrity before quick freezing no significantly (p≥ 0.05) improved at all treatment, while after quick freezing P2 (1mM) significantly (p≤0.p05) improved. In conclusion, semen quick freezing with suplemntation α-tocopherol to egg yolk tris aminomethan extender resulted beneficial effect on sperm motility and plasma membrane in Madurans bull cattle.

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[H. Ratnani, MN. Ihsan, G. Ciptadi and S. Suyadi. (2017); EFFECT OF α-TOCOPHEROL SUPPLEMENTATION IN THE EXTENDER ON THE SPERM QUALITY OF MADURAN BULL BEFORE AND AFTER QUICK FREEZING. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 5 (Jul). 1378-1389] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

brawijaya university


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/4849      
DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/4849