18Sep 2017


  • PhD, Walden University, September 2017.
  • CHES?, National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, 2015.
  • Fitness & Nutrition, Stratford Career Institute, 2014.
  • MPH, Walden University, 2013.
  • MBA, ESUT Nigeria, 2003.
  • PGD, ESUT Nigeria, 2001.
  • B.Sc, Food Science & Tech, Ebony State University, Nigeria, 1992.
  • Dr. Edith N. Ahajumobi (PhD, MPH, MBA, B. F. Sc., CHES?).
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Introduction: This is a systematic review of literature conducted to examine the relationship between nutrition, and mental illness. Objective: The objective was to ascertain whether there is substantive evidence showing the relationship between nutrition, and mental illness, to provide substantive evidence that could support revising the Canadian policies to include the nutritional link. Methods: The study used narrative approach of the qualitative design to read, digest, interpret, and summarize the evidence gathered. Due to time constraints, the study obtained all evidence reviewed from Google Scholar search, Google search, CNAHL, and MEDLINE databases only. All reviewed articles were obtained online only. The search terms were: food factor to mental illness, dietary factor to mental illness, Peer reviewed articles on nutritional factor to mental illness and so forth. All search results that did not meet the criteria for selection were excluded. Only peer-reviewed articles, and evidence conducted following epidemiology standard were included among the reviewed evidence. Results: The studies reviewed were conducted in Canada, United States, UK, Australia, France, South Africa and across the globe. From the synthesis of all the reviewed evidence, the result showed a consistent, and growing evidence establishing a link between nutritional factors, and nutritional comorbidity and mental illness. The social change implication of this study is to inform public, health practice and designated authorities in view of influencing health policy decision to recognize the direct impact of food on mental health. Conclusion: Nutritional factors, and nutritional comorbidity are associated with mental illness.

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[Edith N. Ahajumobi. (2017); NUTRITIONAL FACTORS TO MENTAL ILLNESS. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 5 (Sep). 460-477] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Edith N. Ahajumobi


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/5350      
DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/5350