27Sep 2017


  • University Of Jember, University of jembe.
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The state discursive practice to Chinese ethnic in the power development of Indonesia is still showing a political phenomenon full of ambivalence. On one side, the Chinese ethnic in certain circumstances be strategically positioned in such a way; on the other hand it is not uncommon this position is very dangerous in the context of its capacity as a citizen.This paper aims to describe the state discursive practices that full of ambivalence which is reflected in Indonesian novels and their implications for the policy of Indonesian multicultural state. Through the sociological approach of literature, analysis of this paper attempts to describe the ambivalence of power politics in two ways; namely concerning the relationship between Chinese ethnicity discourse with Indonesian and the discourse of the state relates with the construction of identity-based politics. There are three novels analyzed in this case, the novel MautdanCinta works MochtarLubis, Clara Ng's DimsumTerakhir, and PutriCina works Sindhunata. Results of this analysis states that the state discursive practices against Chinese ethnic that full of ambivalence was not effective and functional in the context of an Indonesian multicultural state. Political practices that full of ambivalence lead many complex issues, both vertically relation with the state-based structure, as well as horizontally between culturally groups in Indonesia.

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[Akhmad Taufiq and Sukatman. (2017); THE STATE DISCURSIVE PRACTICES AGAINTS CHINESE ETHNICIN INDONESIAN NOVELS. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 5 (Sep). 1161-1168] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Akhmad Taufiq
University of jember


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/5434      
DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/5434