10Sep 2017


  • P.G Dept.Of Biotechnology, A.N College, Patna ? 800013, India.
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The antibacterial efficacy of aqueous and ethanolic extracts of leaf, stem and root of Ocimum sanctum L. were studied against 5 known pathogenic gram positive and gram negative bacteria (namely, Staphylococcusaureus, Clostridium bovis, Salmonella typhi, Klebsiellapneumoniae and Escherichia coli) by cup diffusion method with a control antibiotic (chloramphenicol). The aqueous and ethanolic extracts of O. Sanctum L. were found to be effective against all the bacteria cultured and tested in laboratory. The extracts of leaf, stem and root were most effective against S. typhi showing zone of inhibition (ZI) =11 mm, 10.90 mm and 10.75 mm (ethanolic) respectively and ZI = 10.75 mm, 10.60 mm and 10.55 mm (aqueous) respectively, followed by C. bovis and S. Aureus, which were at par with control (chloramphenicol). Minimum Zone of Inhibition for leaf, stem and root extracts were recorded against E. coli showing ZI = 4.00 mm, 4.20 mm, 3.75 mm (ethanolic) respectively and ZI = 3.75 mm, 3.70 mm, 3.50mm (aqueous) respectively. The results indicate that leaf extract of Ocimum sanctum L. was most effective as it was most potent against all the pathogens tested. This significant potential of Ocimum sanctum L. makes it an effective antibacterial agent and can be further explored for their antibacterial efficacy. This work may be useful to find out new antibacterial drugs having no side-effects.

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[Babaloo Kumar, Nishu and Swetnisha. (2017); ANTIBACTERIAL EFFICACY OF PLANT EXTRACTS OF OCIMUM SANCTUM L. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 5 (Sep). 260-263] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

P.G Dept. Of Biotechnology, A.N College, Patna – 800013, India


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/5325      
DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/5325