27Sep 2017


  • Assistant Professor, Dept of Paediatric Surgery, Institute of child health ,Egmore, Chennai.
  • MCh Resident, Dept of Paediatric Surgery, Institute of child health ,Egmore, Chennai.
  • Professor, HOD, Dept of Paediatric Surgery, Institute of child health ,Egmore, Chennai.
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KASABACH-MERRITT phenomenon has been reported only in 200 cases worldwide since 1940. It has 20% to 30% mortality due to platelet trapping , coagulopathy and haemorrhage in brain, pleura & peritoneum. We have effectively treated with steroids and alpha interferon and prevented mortality. Heparin stimulates tumour growth and worsens thrombocytopenia. Our cases were evaluated with CBC, PT, Aptt, Ultra sonogram &MRI. Skin biopsy or liver biopsy were avoided to prevent torrential bleed.

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  2. Neonatal Kasabach-Merritt syndrome-Indian journal of medical and pediatric ?oncology -2011, Oct-Dec pg. 238-241
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  6. ShulkumBL Argentacc, Choki ?Kasabach-Merritt syndrome treatment with Epsilon-Aminocapoic acid and assessment by Indium-3 platelet scintigraphy.

[Gomathi Vadivelu, Rohith gopinath and J.Muthukumaran. (2017); KASABACH MERRITT SYNDROME - A PAEDIATRIC EMERGENCY IN GIANT HAEMANGIOMA. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 5 (Sep). 1433-1435] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Dr.Gomathi Vadivelu Assistant Professor ICH & HC MMC
Assistant Professor ICH & HC Madras Medical College


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/5464      
DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/5464