30Jun 2014

Morphometry of width of third ventricle of brain by luminal cast Plastination & MRI

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Introduction The ventricular system of brain is cavity of brain. The ventricular system of brain consists of two lateral ventricle, third ventricle and fourth ventricle. The third ventricle is the cavity of diencephalon located between two thalami. Plastination is a technique of preparation of dry, colored, nontoxic, durable, odorless, natural looking specimen. The size, shape, consistency and relationships in a 3-dimentional orientation of different biological specimens should be understood. Here, an attempt has been made to establish the ranges of normal values for the width of normal third ventricle of brain by method of luminal cast plastination and radiological method (MRI). Material and Method In this study total of 83 brains (20 brains by method of luminal cast plastination in department of Anatomy and 63 brains by MRI scans obtained from records of department of Radiodiagnosis) were studied at our institute. Observations The mean width of third ventricle was 0.52 cm in 63 subjects (males and females) by MRI. The width of third ventricle increases as age increases, which was statistically significant (P-value < 0.05). The mean width of third ventricle in both sexes was 0.52 cm. The mean width of third ventricle was same in MRI and cast method (0.52 cm). Conclusion The width of third ventricle increases as age increases, which was statistically significant (P-value < 0.05). The mean width of third ventricle is same in males and females in MRI study.

[Vidya K. Satapara, Mital M. Patel, Jayesh K. Rathava, Pratik N. Trivedi, Urvik C. Kukadiya, Dilip V. Gohil, Tulsibhai C. Singel (2014); Morphometry of width of third ventricle of brain by luminal cast Plastination & MRI Int. J. of Adv. Res. 2 (Jun). 0] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Dr. Vidya K. Satapara