13May 2018


  • Universitas Negeri Jakarta.
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The objective of the research was to evaluate the parenting program at Taman Pengasuhan Makara Indonesia University (TPAM UI) of Depok, observed from the components of context, input, process, product, and outcomes (CIPPO). This research type is Program Evaluation Research. Based on research finding, the researcher concluded that: 1) Context aspect, TPAM UI has had constitution in program realization, 2) Input aspect, TPAM UI in parenting program realization has had certain purpose conducted the program, presented the expert informant, appropriate facility, but has not specific institution curriculum yet in parenting program and lack of stakeholders? supports. 3) Process aspect, Socialization in preparation plan of parenting event realization was conducted through social media, but the institution did not coordinate with parents about perception equality of the event, the necessity of program for parents. In implementation of the program, it was applied the variety of programs based on the necessity and the parents were not involved in materials decision given, 4) Product aspect, parents? understanding about nutrition, health, nurturing, parenting, education, and protection in concluding has shown the good result or satisfied, 5) Outcomes aspect, habit transfer from parenting program children has developed well for 6 fields (nutrition, health, nurturing, parenting, education, and protection).

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[Ririn Tjahyaningsih, Myrnawati Crie Handini and M. Syarief Sumantri. (2018); PARENTING PROGRAM EVALUATION (EVALUATION STUDY AT TAMAN PENGASUHAN MAKARA (TPAM) INDONESIA UNIVERSITY OF DEPOK). Int. J. of Adv. Res. 6 (May). 66-71] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/7008      
DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/7008