01Dec 2018


  • Institut Royal de Formation des Cadres ? Rabat Centre National des Sports Moulay Rachid, km 12, Route de Mekness, Sale Maroc.
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The purpose of this article is to shed light on a new innovative pedagogical approach called " flipped classroom " or " flipped learning This approach dethrones the traditional and transmissive model speared in our educational institutions and which constitutes the reference model for many teachers by refocusing learning on the learner primarily by making him actor in his own learning. A better knowledge of this innovative educational approach will, on one hand, allow to build a less empirical, more effective professional practice, but also more realistic. On the other hand, will allow describing the nature and the functioning of this new pedagogy, examining its impact on the pupils showing its efficiency. This will lead us, doubtless, to adopt it and to adapt it to our Moroccan academic context. Based on an innovative and participative pedagogy, the benefits and contributions of the inverted class are multiple for both the teacher and the students. This, in terms of savings time, differentiated teaching, opportunities for peer tutoring. This pedagogy gets to the pupils more autonomy and responsibility. The originality and the value of this study reside on the fact that it presents one of the rare examples in Morocco focus on" flipped classroom ". A model of practice, which can revolutionize the modes of teachings provided in our institutions. The best indicator on which we rely to deliver a positive balance sheet on the practice of the " flipped classroom ", is first of all, the end-of-quarter balance sheet assignments which have been very positive and encouraging, then, the great support and success of this new pedagogy among students.

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[Rachid Bentaibi. (2018); FLIPPED CLASSROOM: AN INNOVATIVE AND REVOLUTIONARY PEDAGOGY OF LEARNING. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 6 (Dec). 64-71] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Institut Royal de Formation des Cadres


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/8115      
DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/8115